The Forgiven Duke: A Forgotten Castles Novel by Jamie Carie
- Paperback: 320 pages
- Publisher: B&H Books (July 1, 2012)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1433673231
- ISBN-13: 978-1433673238
Tethered by her
impulsive promise to marry Lord John Lemon - the path of least
resistance - Alexandria Featherstone sets off toward Iceland in search
of her parents with a leaden heart. A glimpse of her guardian, the Duke
of St. Easton - the path less traveled by - on Dublin’s shore still
haunts her.
Will he come after her? Will he drag her back to London, quelling her mission to rescue her treasure-seeking parents, or might he decide to throw caution to the wind and choose Foy Pour Devoir: “Faith for Duty,” the St. Easton motto. The Featherstone motto Valens et Volens: “Willing and Able,” beats in her heart and thrums through her veins. She will find her parents and find their love, no matter the cost.
The powerful yet wing-clipped Duke of St. Easton has never known the challenge that has become his life since hearing his ward’s name. Alexandria Featherstone will be the life or the death of him. Only time and God’s plan will reveal just how much this man can endure for the prize of love.
Will he come after her? Will he drag her back to London, quelling her mission to rescue her treasure-seeking parents, or might he decide to throw caution to the wind and choose Foy Pour Devoir: “Faith for Duty,” the St. Easton motto. The Featherstone motto Valens et Volens: “Willing and Able,” beats in her heart and thrums through her veins. She will find her parents and find their love, no matter the cost.
The powerful yet wing-clipped Duke of St. Easton has never known the challenge that has become his life since hearing his ward’s name. Alexandria Featherstone will be the life or the death of him. Only time and God’s plan will reveal just how much this man can endure for the prize of love.
First of all, thanks so much to Ms. Carie for giving me this advanced reader’s copy. I was really excited when I saw that my mailbox comes with the address from the author.. Thanks so much>>:D
Cover: Hmmph,.. I wish I could really see the face of the duke and his infamous panther-like green eyes. Anyway, it was still wonderful. A wardrobe change with Alexandria..:D
The Forgiven Duke is the second installment in the Forgetten Castle Series. I have actually read the first one, The Guardian Duke. I really loved the first book and clearly I was not disappointed with this one.
It’s not hard to delve into the story again, I still remember the charming and high-spirited Alex and the Duke who was falling in love with her through letters. Like the first one, Alex and Gabriel are not together yet for almost ¾ of the book. We’re given an account in each of their adventures. Alex goes to find her parents, and the duke, well, Alex and his hearing are not his only problem anymore, the Spanish Throne was after him and even his own British soldiers.
It is still an amazing thing how Ms. Carie can weaved a wonderful love story without really letting the characters meet, instead through their thoughts and feelings the readers got to know them and partake in the budding romance.
The historical information was still tantamount. I loved reading the descriptions of Iceland and its natural beauty. The ships, Spanish and British Soldiers, the Icelandic, the tourist spots, they were all well-researched. I could clearly picture them in my mind.>:D
Also, there are a lot of passages from the bible, which the characters get their strength from. Some were even sang by the duke! It all made me realize that even how worse you’re going through at this moment, God would definitely lift you up when the time comes. And that you cannot direct your life, you have to follow God, cause in the end, you will still ask Him to guide you, and besides, following yourself leads to no good!
A real-page turner, I read the book in one-sitting and have to sleep at 2:30 in the morning! Although the end wasn’t as intense like the first one which is a certified cliff-hanger, the author leaves with an assurance that the next book would be even better. (There was a dialogue from the third book). The second book leaves off, with the reader wanting to know what would happen to Alex and the Duke’s relationship. Would he find out what Alex was scared off? And would he accept her? Would they find what they’re looking for? Together?
The romance, funny scenes, faith, and the greater conspiracy behind Alex’ missing parents was all in here. The detective part though is not that really complicated, but you’ll find yourself enjoying the book all the way. I love this book so much, because actually there was a lot of action, soldiers fighting, lives lost, and love and beliefs being fought for!
My second regency era Novel and definitely I will still read the last in the Forgotten Castle Series, “The Duke’s Promise” which will be released September. And, oh, by the way, “The Forgiven Duke” would be released this July 1. I realized that all the titles have the word “Duke” on it, I was joking with my sister last night that we could call it “The Forgotten Duke Series” .. lol
Great work Ms. Carie! Another Christian/Historical Romance…. Very Highly Recommended !!!
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