Praise "A very funny picture book that, I guarantee you, lots of savvy teachers will be eagerly sharing with students as part of the process of teaching creative writing." -- Richie Partington MLIS, Richie's Picks "What a CLEVER, CLEVER story!" -- I Love to Read and Write Reviews "This clever adaptation of Little Red Riding Hood has so many levels of creativity and learning... Every elementary teacher should have this book to begin their writing units." -- Play on Words "Style, humor, and solid writing advice." --Publishers Weekly, starred review "So rich in words and wry humor-written and visual-that one reading just isn't enough." --School Library Journal, starred review "Every writers' group should start with this story." --Kirkus Reviews, starred review "Every elementary teacher should have this book to begin their writing units." -- Play on Words "An easy, winning prompt for beginning writers to abandon their fears and take up pencils of their own." --Booklist
Author Joan Holub I graduated from college in Texas with a fine arts degree, and then freelanced as an art director at a graphic design firm for eight years. I dreamed of working in children’s books, so I moved to New York City and became associate art director in Scholastic trade books, where I designed books for children and worked with editors and illustrators. It was a great job. I illustrated my first published children’s book in 1992 and soon began illustrating full time. I began completing manuscripts and mailing them out to publishers in the early 1990s. In 1996, I sold my first two manuscripts — Boo Who? A Spooky Lift-the-Flap Book (Scholastic) and Pen Pals (Grosset & Dunlap). Yippee! Now I write full time and have written and/or illustrated over 130 children’s books. Creating books that entertain, inform, and interest children (and me) is a fabulous job that I truly love.

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