Friday, February 1, 2013

Awesome Giveaway + Alternative POV - Conner and Leila’s First Date: Touching Evil by Amber Garr

Click the link to see the tour schedule

With one touch, Leila can see it all.

Leila Marx is trying to put her life back together after her fiancé is murdered. When Detective Garrick Pearson enlists her help with a difficult case, she is thankful for the distraction and the opportunity to use her talents as a touch clairvoyant. Leila and Garrick delve into the mystery behind a series of missing teenage girls and mummified corpses while discovering their own growing attraction to each other.

Conner Hoffman is an intriguing lawyer and striking half-demon who enters Leila’s life unexpectedly. Although her visions are terrifying, she is fascinated by his charm and his legacy. When it becomes evident that the murders are linked to a paranormal event, Conner introduces Leila to a world unbeknownst to ordinary society. She suddenly finds herself immersed in supernatural politics, sorcery, and danger as she becomes the killer’s next target.

Staying alive will mean relying on friends, accepting the unbelievable, and trusting in her heart again.
  • Paperback: 322 pages
  • Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (November 1, 2012)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1480021598
Book Links : Amazon Kindle | Paperback    Smashwords
Read the First Chapter.

Book Trailer:

Alternative POV - Conner and Leila’s First Date

 Human souls still had their appeal and the restaurant vibrated with them tonight. Taking in an extra long breath, I relished in the energy. I may not need to collect them anymore, but I did enjoy identifying which ones I might have marked.
The bartender, for example, would have earned me an extra slap on the back. Beneath his smile and flirtatious act, he hid a dark secret. He enjoyed the hunt as much as me, but what he did to the ladies once he got them home, was unacceptable. Yes, my father would have been happy to acquire him.
A small hand grabbed my shoulder for support. Sara climbed on the bar stool again, body in constant motion. Her excitement made me appreciate what my new life could be. Now that the contract with my demon father was complete, I could fully enjoy living with the humans for the next millennia.
There she is!” Sara said, jumping down from her seat and rushing over to the door. Her husband, Ben, smiled and shook his head.
Is she always like this?” I asked.
He laughed before finishing his drink. “It’s why I love her.” Ben patted my shoulder. “Don’t worry, Conner, she’s great.”
I raised my eyebrows.
Leila,” he clarified. “You’ll like her.”
I nodded. Did he sense my nervousness? I moved here just a few weeks ago, hoping to start fresh. The last thing I wanted to do was go on a blind date, but Ben had been persistent.
Looks like she’s talking about you,” Ben said, nudging me in the side.
I turned around, shocked at what I saw. My skin tingled and a red tint flooded my vision, setting the cambion senses on alert. Of all the women in Baltimore, I’d been set up with a supernatural.
Ben laughed again, communicating silently with Leila while admiring his wife. Forcing my eyes back to their human color, I took a moment to assess my date. Blonde hair, long legs, great smile, and a clairvoyant. I would have to be careful.
Sara dragged her friend over to us, nearly tripping on her high heels. Knowing this might be trouble, I still couldn’t tear my eyes away from Leila. Her soul hummed with power. I focused on protecting my secret and tried to act human.
Conner,” Sara said, “This is Leila. Leila Marx. And Leila, this is Conner Hoffman.”
I glanced at her one more time, concentrating so my eyes would not react to her beauty. Her cheeks flushed and she looked down at the floor. Amused at her reaction to me, I smiled.
Leila, it is very nice to meet you. I’ve heard so much, but to see you in person is truly a delight.”
Gently lifting her hand to my mouth, I kissed it. The touch sent shivers through my body, warning me to be careful but reminding me what it could be like. I wanted to live as a human again, and Leila Marx might be the key to making that happen.
I didn’t tell him anything,” Ben joked. “I’m going to grab our table.”
Leila looked straight into my eyes, searching for something, before I let go of her hand. I’ve met clairvoyants before, and I guessed Leila’s gift relied on touch. Her forehead creased ever so slightly in confusion. She had tried to read me.
I smiled, knowing I could only hide my secret so long with this beautiful woman. 

Amber Garr spends her days conducting experiments and wondering if her next door neighbor is secretly a vampire.  Born in Pennsylvania, she lives in Florida with her husband and their furry kids.  Her childhood imaginary friend was a witch, Halloween is sacred, and she is certain that she has a supernatural sense of smell.  She writes both adult and young adult urban fantasies and when not obsessing over the unknown, she can be found dancing, reading, or enjoying a good movie.

Stalk Amber online at:

There will be two giveaways
first giveaway-tour-wide
Signed Touching Evil paperback
Signed Furthermore paperback
Surprise Swag

2nd giveaway:

an e-book copy of either Touching Evil or Furthermore
TO ENTER. Just Leave a comment for Amber, double entry for followers.


  1. Thanks for the giveaway Amber :) Hope your blog tour goes well

  2. Thanks for posting Abby! :) XOXO

  3. Thanks for the chance, Abby!


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