
Over time, the planet dries.
Now the Rules are caught unawares when a lunar enclave launches an invasion intended to seize control of the Harvest. House Alar, the greatest of the bloodline Keeps, falls before the predatory warlord. The invader’s technology is strong and they are aided by the Guild; wizard-like practitioners whose hallucinogen-induced evocations bend fate to their will.
It falls to Cairn, Legion pilot and displaced heir to Alar, to persuade the House Alliance to intercede. His father and his love Neilai are held hostage, and a battered Cairn is dispatched to carry the vile interloper’s edict. With few resources at hand, Cairn and boisterous comrade Dirc Cutter are thrust into a changed world. The Alliance falters and Cairn, son of House Alar, learns how little he knows of his home world.
futuristic fantasy tale, with elements of olden day sword fighting is a
great read in the science fiction genre. The story brings to mind our
own planetary struggle to provide clean, untainted water to everyone and
the battles over territory that are ongoing. Susan Ashcraft - Goodreads
of the Viizar
A nemesis long thought finished returns
from exile, all the more powerful for his transformation. The Viizar
work to reshape their vision of reality through the channeling of
loosely controlled dementia, and they have learned to amplify their
drug-induced Works by combining sorcery with a forgotten crystal
technology. Grande Maester Ott intends to bleed away the energy of
the planet to achieve his dark purpose, and the consequent imbalance
triggers a series of events that threaten a dark finality. Young
Airen sa’n Alar, Son of House Alar, is defeated and taken captive
in his attempt to deter the Guild, and he must now band with sisters
Andra and Leah to take the fight back to the lunar coven.
One Minute After
Can you imagine what your world might
be like, One Minute After?
A blurring of reality that transcends rational bounds; where every
frame of reference has been turned on its head, and visuals are but
fleeting reflections in a hall of mirrors?
Venture, then, if you dare, into this
anthology of horror, science fiction and fantasy; some dark and some
light, but all a challenge to your imagination. We will begin with an
experiment in nano-biotechnology gone very wrong, and, if you do not
perish in transit, end in a desperate alternate reality on Olde
Aearth; emerging with a glimmer of hope ~ justified or not.
In between, in those shadowy alcoves and interstitial
chambers throughout, you might experience dragons, wizards,
hurricanes, or even misadventures in space.
no further, 24:01 One Minute After by Eric Diehl is a well written
anthology of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror short stories that
will leave you wanting more. Cloey.k_-Goodreads
www.ericdiehl.com http://www.amazon.com/Eric-Diehl/e/B006PG528I https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/EricD http://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/eric-diehl?keyword=eric+diehl&store=nookstore http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2967290.Eric_Diehl http://www.facebook.com/OEricDiehl https://twitter.com/OEricDiehl
About : Eric Diehl
A student of many things,
master of none…
questionable turn on a time-worn cliché but fairly apt—a jack of
many trades.
it began with the custom van built in the long-haired days of the
early 70’s—an old school bus with an engine salvaged from a junk
yard. Or with the dozens of motorcycles ridden, broken, repaired and
ridden again. Eric has built furniture and guitars, he’s
screen-printed t-shirts and created package design for bottled soap.
He’s thrown newspapers and he’s written software for corporations
large and small— for a time working from the wandering RV he and
Sue called home. He does website design and he’s published
motorcycle and RV travel articles. He earned a pilot’s license and
built and flew a gyro-copter over the cane-fields and beaches of
Florida. He’s penned tunes and published Sci-Fi/Fantasy short
stories and two novels; Water Harvest, with Double Dragon
Publishing in September 2011, and Guild of the Viizar,
self-published in early 2012.
more than three decades in south Florida, Eric and his lovely wife
Susan moved to the Upstate region of South Carolina, where the nearby
Appalachians beckon two-wheeled leisure. When cranky knees allow it,
bicycling is a favored indulgence—more often, these days, on a
recumbent. Motorcycling remains a serious passion, justified at least
in part by instructing a course in motorcycle safety.
He was
likely a cat in a previous life, as there’s an undeniable affinity.
He looks odd, and children sometimes call out Hi Mister Ski Man!
when he hikes by weilding his pair of walking sticks.
truth is, Eric is still working out what it is that he’ll do—after
he grows up.
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