Sunday, April 28, 2013

Free Download: The Midas Tree by

The Midas Tree
Joshua lives in the Garden Of Color and Light, an idyllic paradise where he is always playing and having fun. Each day is like any other, until he finds a magical golden acorn that enraptures him and propels him on an incredible adventure. After being guided to chase the acorn as it flies through the garden, Joshua discovers a door at the base of a tree; and once he enters his life changes for ever. “Now it is time for you to go on a journey. You may forget the garden for a while. Follow this golden acorn wherever it takes you.” Joshua is transported into a mysterious realm within “The Midas Tree.” Desperate to return home, he sets about exploring this unfamiliar environment. He encounters sticky situations and meets tricky characters along the way. Fortunately he does not have to face them alone. His guides are the mystical creatures that live inside the tree, called Devas. They are keepers of ancient secrets that can help Joshua to cope with the obstacles he encounters and the challenges he meets. Joshua learns from the Devas that if he wishes to return home, he must first transform himself – and “The Midas Tree”. The Devas are fairy-like nature spirits, who love “The Midas Tree” and live to keep it happy and healthy. Each Deva presides over a different realm within the tree and lovingly passes on their knowledge of their territory and the mysteries it holds. Joshua’s quest is to uncover the spiritual secrets of the tree, overcome challenging situations and oust his inner turmoil to finally fulfill his destiny. He is taught different techniques and skills that help him cope with the trials he encounters. The processes that the Devas expose him to begin a path of self-revelation where he learns the truth about himself. This spellbinding story overflows with challenges, magical creatures and mystical superpowers, which you too will discover along the way. “The Midas Tree” is a spiritual adventure novel aimed at a middle grade to Young Adult audience; although all the adults who have read it like it too
 Download a free copy of THE MIDAS TREE to your Kindle!
-         Available on April 28th 2013
In exchange please write a review for GOODREADS, AMAZON and
I’d be happy to cross promote by putting your link on my website as I did for these reviews
To get your copy simply click here on April 28th THE MIDAS TREE
Check out The Midas Tree:
For anyone who does not own a Kindle, but is interested reviewing the book, please contact me directly on

Friday, April 26, 2013

Author Interview + Giveaway: Ignite by Jenna Bernel

The Secret Trinity: Ignite (Fae-Witch #2)

The Blurb

The Secret Trinity: Ignite (Fae-Witch, #2)If time heals all wounds, then Aria Darwin’s clock has stopped. No amount of magic elixir can repair a broken heart. In the aftermath of untruths and tainted love, Aria is unsure if she will ever recover to see the light of her destiny.

Now living in the enchanted city of Draíochta, along with her two best friends, Aria struggles to find her place in the Kingdom. A plan must be set to ensure the safety of her people, but how can they believe in her if she can’t believe in herself.

With the assistance of her Guard Keeper, Clay, she slowly develops her powers, but will she be strong enough to destroy her enemy? Will she ever remember what was once ignited in her soul, and the real question is will she run or will she fight?

Interview with Jenna Bernel:

One/Two word/s that describe your book?
Rockin' Romance!
(I know it's a bad pun about Clay's powers but I couldn’t resist J )  

One sentence: Why we should read your book?
The book has so many layers, as the story unfolds you will find yourself absorbed in magic, romance, humor, adventure, and before you know it you'll have flown through its pages eager to start the next.   

Why was it titled "Unearth"?
All of the book titles have double meaning; the words themselves allude to the progression of Ari's journey, while the secondary incorporates one of the magical powers seen in the series.  Unearth, for example is a play on words describing the marker in Ari's story with the unveiling of her past, while also tying in the Eartha Fae powers (the ability to move earthly elements).  Many late nights were spent with a thesaurus in my clutches combing through every possibility until finally landing on Unearth, Ignite, and Reign for the series titles.     

If you would become one of the characters of your book, who would it be?
Ari! She gets all the best powers, hot guys, and awesome friends.  Please-oh-please give me her life (insert prayer here).

If this would turn into a movie, who would be the main cast?
AnnaSophia Robb as Ari
Freddie Stroma as Liam
Robbie Amell as Clay
Anna Kendrick as Morgan
Emma Roberts as Kayla

click here to see the Dream Cast post

Music or Book?
Books.  In my opinion books activate your imagination in a way that no other type of entertainment can.

Love or Life?
I'm a completely hopeless romantic, probably to a fault.  But I've been this way since before I can remember, even before I read Romeo & Juliet in middle school which certainly didn't help.  I truly believe that LOVE is life.

Reality or Fantasy?
Fantasy… wait Reality… wait I might be dreaming right now… do I actually write books for a living?  You better pinch me first and then I'll be ready to give a definitive answer.   

If I can’t sleep, I would…
Drink a cup of sleepy time tea, while I mindlessly online shop, as crappy late night TV plays in the background, this routine usually equals sleep.  Wow, reality can be so boringly normal I've made my decision; I pick Fantasy, definitely Fantasy.

The craziest thing I did -
Fell in love, and fell again, and then I was crazy enough to keep on believing, totally worth it!

My greatest dream is
To be immortal, and having my name forever immortalized in the copyright office is getting me that much closer.

The place I’d like to go someday is
Anywhere, everywhere, I want to see each corner of the world hence this finicky business of needing to be immortal.  

I wish I had written
Romeo & Juliet, though I might have written it with a happy ending, I'm a sucker for a happy ending. 

One thing people don’t know about me is
I'm still involved in the dance world, teaching classes a couple of times a week in different styles including, Ballet, Tap, and Ari's personal favorite in Unearth, Lyrical. 

Where could readers go to know more about you and your books?
Twitter: @jennabernel

Is there anything else you'd like to say?                                                              
I'm currently working on my next series which will star one of my favorite paranormal creatures, Vampires.  However, as I did with the Fae, this won't be your ordinary Vampire story, and I can't wait for you to discover my Jenna Bernel twist.  Stay tuned for updates on my FB and website as we get closer to the estimated release of book one this summer!  Thank you so much to all my fans and the amazingly hard working book bloggers who have helped get the word out about my Fae-Witch Trilogy.  Your support has literally made my dreams come true, and I look forward to more events where I can get to know all of my awesome fans!

I live tucked along the bluffs in the Midwest, spending my days lost in the world of fantasy.  When I’m not writing, I’m reading and drinking way too much caffeine to satisfy my love of both.  Growing up I traveled extensively through the competitive dance circuit, unaware that at the time those experiences would provide my future career an endless stream of inspiration for the captivating drama of Young Adult Fiction.
I enjoy all things travel, food and adventure.  While doing research for a trip to Ireland the idea for my book series, The Secret Trinity, came to life and would be the beginning of my greatest adventure yet.

Where to Find the Author:

The Secret Trinity: Complete Box Set is now available exclusively on Amazon Kindle. The box set includes a free copy of my Prequel Novella, Glass Castles. Click here for the direct link to download.
Title: The Secret Trinity: Unearth
Status: Now Available on Amazon Kindle for $0.99 and FREE for Amazon Prime members!

Title:The Secret Trinity: Ignite
Status: Now Available on Amazon Kindle for $2.99 and FREE for Amazon Prime members!
Title:The Secret Trinity: Reign
Status:Now Available on Amazon Kindle for $2.99 and FREE for Amazon Prime members!

Title:The Secret Trinity: Glass Castles (Prequel Novella)
Status:Now Available on Amazon Kindle for $0.99 and FREE for Amazon Prime members!

Title:The Secret Trinity: Complete Box Set
Status:-Now Available on Amazon Kindle for $6.99 and includes a FREE copy of Glass Castles!

There will be two giveaways, one INT and one for US/CAN. 
10 winners from the US will each receive a dogtag, signed bookmark and the trilogy's boxed set.
and 10 from INT will receive the trilogy's complete boxed set.



follow the rest of the tour:

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

New Tour Sign-Up: The Learner by Alan Nayes

iluvtours is organizing a blog tour for the  paranormal sci-fi romance, The Learner, Book 1 of the Learner Series by Alan Nayes. The tour will run June 11-22, 2013

E-book review copies will be available - Smashwords coupon will be given to reviewers. The author also offers giveaways for this tour. (subject to change) a $50 Amazon Gift Card and 5 smashwords coupon of the Learner.

 If you are a review/book blog that fits the age group/genre and are interested in participating, please fill-up this form.

We will contact the participants shortly after approval.
Click the covers  for Goodreads link
The Learner (Learner Series, #1)
The Blurb
NayéLi has come from the dark side of the universe to learn as much as she can about the third planet from the sun, and to communicate her findings back to her home world. NayéLi is a Learner - and on Earth she assumes the form of a young human female of the indigenous host species.

NayéLi is bound by her rulers' laws of planetary exploration, which state that there can be no involvement with a member of the host species. But NayéLi is more human now than she realizes. And she is about to fall in love.

THE LEARNER is the first book in the paranormal Learner Series.

Wow. One of the best science fictions I've read in a long time, maybe ever. This story would make a great movie. Fascinating and creative plot, poetic imagery, intense scenes, and intriguing characters make this book hard to put down.
  -  Tara West , author of
rated it 5 of 5 stars false (Goodreads)

About this author

I live in Southern California but still consider myself part Texan by birthright. I was born in Houston and grew up in Dallas. I’ve resided in California since the mid 1980’s but get back to Texas as much as possible. My first two published novels—GARGOYLES and THE UNNATURAL are biomedical thrillers. Actually THE UNNATURAL could also fall into the horror genre as it is a pretty bizarre tale. BARBARY POINT is a love story about a successful young woman who falls in love with a fishing guide. It was written on a suggestion from a former agent.

I have several other projects in the works. HEMLOCK POND is a horror story about a young woman and her son who move into a farmhouse with a haunted pond.

GIRL BLUE, another pretty bizarre story, is about a world renowned sculptor who becomes haunted by his last work. Oh did I mention the sculptor is terminally ill?

SMILODON is the story of a huge cat that terrorizes a small town in the majestic Pacific Northwest. This one will grab you and not let go—yeah, that sounds like a cat.

PLAGUE is the riveting sequel to GARGOYLES. Fasten your seat belts, close your eyes and pray like hell because the world as we know it is coming to an end.

My favorite football team is the Superbowl champs GREEN BAY PACKERS. Sorry Cowboys. But when GB is not on the gridiron—Go Dallas! Great Cheerleaders, too!

I enjoy the outdoors and as a side note I’m one of only a few individuals to ever swim across Wisconsin’s chilly Lake Winnebago. Does this make me a better writer—probably not.

When I’m not working on my next project, I enjoy relaxing and fishing at our family vacation home in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
Other books by the author: (Click the cover to go to Goodreads)
The Halloween CollectionGargoyles (Resurrection Trilogy, Book One)Barbary Point
The UnnaturalGirl BlueSt. Claws
The Eclective: The Celtic CollectionThe Eclective: The Haunted CollectionThe Eclective: The Pride CollectionThe Eclective: The Apocalypse Collectionreturn to Underland

Monday, April 15, 2013

Signed Book Hop

Signed Book Giveaway Hop
April 16th to 22nd
Featuring Books Signed by the Author
Co-hosted by Wholly Books

Who wouldn't want some signed books?
Here are some books I have signed from the author, and I would like to share one of these, to one lucky reader.
To enter, move over to the Rafflecopter!

Betrayal (Syrenka, #2)Promises (Syrenka, #1)

Arise (Syrenka, #3)The Forsaken (The Forsaken, #1)

Audrey's Guide to Witchcraft (Audrey's Guides, #1)The Gates (The Resistance Trilogy, #2)

AuracleReVamped (Angel Creek, #1)

Solstice: A Novel of the Zombie ApocalypseBlood Oath

What are some of your favorite signed books?


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